Exclusive Interview with The Plug 赢 YING
随着MV《赢YING》的问世,Al Rocco在视频中本色出演,携手女朋友Naomi高调秀恩爱。一天之内视频访问量已经破百万,并在微博上得到了来自Big Bang的支持。我们找到了这两位《赢YING》的创作者 - Al Rocco和Fader One,和他们好好地聊了一聊。
The homies Al Rocco and Fader One sat down with The Plug after the YING MV release and broke down the business. Since its release on Friday afternoon the MV has reached over 1 million hits and has had major support from the industry, including love from Big Bang on weibo.
1. T: #赢# 这首歌由Fader One作曲,Al Rocco作词,听说#赢#这首是根据你们的真实生活为创作灵感的?Fader One composed the song and Al Rocco wrote the lyrics for #Ying. Is the song produced based on the inspirations of your guys' real life?
A&F: 每天都是赢的一天。我从每日的生活中学习,无论是小的还是大的,坏的还是好的收获。从我生活中吸取最好的事物:我的兄弟,家庭,爱情,和对我真正重要的事情,从而给了我创作这首歌曲的灵感。Everyday is a winning day. We learn from everyday experiences whether if they’re big or small, bad or good. Taking the best things in life; brotherhood, family, love, and the real things that truly matter, gave us the inspiration to write this song.
2. T: Rocco, 这是你第一次尝试唱这么多中文歌词的音乐,这对你来说是不是也是一个winning moment呢?😏 You are from America, so this is the first time that you write and sing the Chinese lyrics. Is this also a winning moment for you?
A: 这是我的首支双语歌曲。#Ying #赢#绝对能表达出真正赢家的意义。这次机会使我能够挑战自己多方面的能力,也使我更进一步了解了自己的中国根源。所以,十分感谢红八室的家人们给了这次难能宝贵的机会。This is my first Bilingual song and I definitely feel #Ying #赢# is a true winner. It has been a good challenge for me to test the versatility in my skills and it has also brought me closer to my Chinese roots. With that being said, I appreciate the Red8 family for this golden opportunity.
3. T: 这次你的许多兄弟BLOW FEVER, LUCE, FADER ONE, JBO, DEVIN,MICKEY友情客串在此次MV中,代表了兄弟情缘在事业中的不可分割的关系,尤其对于说唱歌手来说,你想对他们说些什么吗?Success and brotherhood are most tightly entwined when gents come of age, especially for a rapper. In the MV shooting, BLOW FEVER, LUCE, FADER ONE, JBO, DEVIN,MICKEY show their support in the MV. Is there anything you want to say to them?
A: 真心地感谢你们。感谢你们你们一直在这里。每一个人都是这次获取成功的重要因素。缺少其中的任何一个都无法成功地完成。而这仅仅是我们未来成功的开始。一起加油!Only with my realest. Thank you for being you. From the heart, I couldn’t have done it without each and every one of you. Everybody plays a crucial role in our success in life and this is only the beginning. Let’s get it!
4. T:Fader,我们知道你平日里很低调,这次是你首次出演MV吗?你对兄弟和成功怎么看?As a DJ and producer, We know that you are very low key in your life, so what makes you decide to join this MV shooting?
F: 我和Al Rocco讨论正式合作有一段时间了,所以当此次机会来临的时候,无论是工作角度还是成为此次拍摄的一部分,我都毫不犹豫答应。Al Rocco and I have been discussing an official collaboration for some time now, so when the opportunity arose it wasn’t even a question whether I was prepared to work and support on this project.
5. T: 说一下你们两目前和未来的计划吧。T: Tell us what you guys are doing right now and what are the future plans.
A&F: 现在正和Blow Fever拍摄我们的下一支MV,在我们的新EP中,和Araabmuzik合作了3首单曲,和Wiwek合作了2首混音单曲,和Lexie合作了新单 City Lights,和Fader One共同制作新EP。我的下张混音带 Red Money 2, 我的首张正式专辑以及更多音乐作品将会在2017年和大家见面。We are currently working on our next MV Fade Away with Blow Fever, our new 3 track EP with Araabmuzik, 2 new remixes with Wiwek, a new single “City Lights” with Lexie, a new EP with Fader One, the next mixtape Red Money 2, Al Rocco's first official album and much more; all releasing in 2017.
同时也在计划中国,美国和韩国巡演演出,我们也开始了我们新的独立厂牌/创意工作室 RED8红八室,激励中国元素的创作,并将此提升到一个国际水平。With China, US and Korean show/tour dates on the line, we’re also starting our new independent label/studio RED8红八 - a creative terminal focused to inspire and create original Chinese content on an international level.
6: T: 人生中总有无数个成功的瞬间,值得庆祝,你们对成功的定义是?There are different occasions of success for celebration in life. What is your definition of success?
A&F: 对我来说,成功是能够成为家庭支柱,建立在兄弟感情的互相信任上,做你最爱的东西,和你爱的,尊重和感激的人在一起。我们正在享受成功的果实。Success is being able to provide for the family with a strong trust of brotherhood, doing what you love and being with the people you love, respect and appreciate. We're living in success right now.
7: T: 成功总是分享之后更甘甜。想知道你们有什么好玩的最难忘的homepa经历?SUCCESS TASTES BETTER SHARED. Any fun homepa experience?
A&F: 我想要成功,所以我能够回报那些一直陪伴我的人,和一直对我很真挚的人分享成功。Success is important so we are able to provide for those who have been there, and share with those who have been true along the way.
A: 在我更年轻的时候,经常去轰趴,所以印象中总是很多酒醉不醒,记忆模糊的画面,哈哈。但是不管是什么样的轰趴,我总能感受到和我朋友间的纽带,因为我们知道我们能够征服这个世界,没人能阻止我们。Too many house parties during my younger days. A lot of black outs and lost memories haha but the ones where I do remember, I remember a feeling of bond-ship with my friends where we feel we can conquer the world and nobody can stop us.
8: T: Rocco, 这次和女朋友Naomi的共同拍摄是不是你们工作上的首度合作?来谈下感想吧。Rocco, is this the first time you and your girlfriend Naomi collaborate at work? How you guys feel about it?
A: 我百分之百的信任我的女朋友。她给了我许多最棒的意见,能够和她一起在此支MV拍摄中一起工作,使我们更加亲近。她能够在MV拍摄时管理其他女孩的拍摄工作,也是很大的帮助。她绝对是我未来成功必不可少的重要一部分。I trust my girl 100%. She gives me some of the best advices and being able to work with her on this project brought us even closer. It’s also nice to have her manage the girls for the MV. She is definitely a big part of my continuing success.
9. T: 听说此次MV拍摄很成功,是谁参与了为此次MV的拍摄?Heard the movie was a big success, who were the masterminds behind the visuals?
A&F: 感谢 Alex One, JJ和Luce使此次MV拍摄圆满成功。Shout out to Alex One, JJ and Luce for making this movie happen.